Could VR replace the classroom?

Technology has opened up knowledge to the world as the internet gives people 24/7 access to infinite sources of information. Currently there is a need for traditional schools to help focus education into a curriculum, but could Virtual Reality (VR) replace all of that?

Imagine you are a child living in a remote community; you are not disconnected from the world because you have an internet connection, but your school is a 2-hour walk away and your family doesn’t have a car. Now imagine that you can enter a classroom by putting on a VR headset, join your classmates in the room and learn at the same pace as them despite your location. They can then put on their own VR goggles and you can all head on an excursion to the surface of Mars and learn about how life would function without water by exploring the planet in person.

This thought is not far from reality as many companies are working toward a future where VR is integrated into our education system. The power of VR is that it can be tailored to individual needs. For example, the team at Virtual Reality for Education have written about the potential VR has in helping children on the autism spectrum with learning. And VR isn’t just for children. VR could effectively be used in adults and the elderly to help continue our education beyond the traditional schooling years. The beauty of VR is it is for everyone – including the blind. With an ever-changing world, VR an incredible tool for spreading knowledge to all people.

So do you think VR could replace the classroom? Check out the video below to see current VR education in action, and comment your thoughts.



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